Disclaimer / Terms of Us
The entire content of the website bodyforwife.com is ©2008-2011 James S. Fell. All Rights Reserved.
You can read all of the information on this site for your own use in getting in shape, and that’s it. By accessing this site you agree that you will not plagiarize my work, or try to sell it or profit from it in any manner.
Further, you accept that there can be risks associated with following the advice contained in this website, and agree not to hold James S. Fell or anyone associated with bodyforwife.com liable for any harm that may befall you from following the guidance in this site. If you get hurt, it’s your own stupid fault. Accept some friggin’ responsibility.
This information is designed only to help you make informed decisions about achieving your fitness goals. It is not intended as any kind of substitute for the advice or treatment that may have been prescribed by your physician. Before adhering to any of the information or recommendations, you should consult with your doctor.
Although every effort has been made to provide safe and realistic advice, understand that you are solely responsible for the way this information is perceived and utilized, and do so at your own risk. In no way will James S. Fell be responsible for any kind of injuries or health problems that might occur due to the use of this website or the advice contained in it.